Shreddit's Underrated April Albums of the Week: Mercy // Sacrilege (1984 / 1989) -- 35th/30th Anniversary

[No Lyrics for Mercy]

No less than men yes they were strong,

Determined they traveled on.

Tho' the land against them was

Evil 'midst each step they trod.

Deep into the twisted vine

Branches gnarled by father time.

Against a man whose spirit swayed

From the light to darkest ways.

Time they took to rest awhile

In a place where freedom ran wild.

Life's golden gift was tarnished not

Man's greed and waste here they forgot.

Welcome to Underrated April! This month we had a group of albums that were not stadium headliners nor were they undiscovered gems that lay secret to the rest of the world. These albums were in the middle ground between known and unknown. Some people love them while others have yet to listen to them.In true Shreddit fashion, we paired them off one by one and made them dance in a macabre ballet all April. Some of these you may love and others only recognize by the art. Some of them you may have seen in deep lists of recs but never checked out while others are entirely new to you. Use this time to cram more heavy metal knowledge and forget about your "finals" or end of the year project. This is more important.

Band: Mercy // Sacrilege

Album: Mercy // Turn Back Trilobite

Released: 1984 / 1989

submitted by /u/kaptain_carbon
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