Aaaaaarrrggghhh!!! Why can't I just buy my music??? Sigh...

I just got home from a concert with The Hu. Awesome concert, highly recommend catching them live if you're into their sound.

Anyway, the thing is that I really want to purchase their music but it seems friggin impossible. I know I might be oldskool but I prefer to actually own my music instead of just streaming it (even though that is what all the cool kids do nowadays).

The purchasing choices are pretty abysmal though. I have to either buy an actual CD and since I don't even own a CD player that isn't a viable option (also I'm working hard on reducing my plastic consumption so want to avoid buying any unnecessary plastic) or I can purchase shitty mp3s. It might sound snobbish but I only buy music in uncompressed formats such as flac, aiff, or wav. I find it strange how so many people want HD this and HD that but are perfectly happy with their music being compressed. I'm the other way around as I find streaming is fine for watching movies/series but music is one of the main cornerstones in my life. But hey, we all value different things and that is a good thing.

So anyway, I'm now left with absolutely 0 options to actually purchase the music I love. Yeah, yeah I know that it is a first-world problem of an old fart but I just felt like venting.

submitted by /u/fractalfrog
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